5 pounds of white or Yukon Gold potatoes - not Russet, or “restaurant” or baking potatoes (more on this below)
1 stick of salted butter
1 cup of heavy cream – light or half and half are acceptable, but try to stay away from milk
½ tsp of baking powder
salt and pepper to taste
Peel and dice the potatoes, place in a pot, and cover with COLD water. Do not salt the water. Cook the potatoes until soft (more than fork tender). Drain the potatoes and return to the pan. Over low to medium low heat cook the potatoes until the water has mostly cooked off. Almost all sizzling ceases when this happens.
Meanwhile, heat the cream in the microwave. When it is close to boiling throw the stick of butter in, and melt that as well.
When the potatoes are ready, add the baking powder and then use your hand mixer to combine. Then add the butter and cream mixture. Don’t pour it in all at once, just in case the potatoes don’t need all the liquid. Whip to combine. Once everything is nice and smooth, and salt and pepper to taste.
Enjoy this with any of the many dishes that cry out for a whipped potato accompaniment!
I know this is not a very health conscious side dish. You can make your potatoes with milk, a touch of butter, and some chicken stock, but the end product will not be as good.
I demand the white or Yukon gold potatoes for this dish because those varieties have a lower starch content. This makes for a much creamier finished product. Obviously you can use Russet potatoes, and I do from time to time, but it is not going to be the same. If you are making a really nice meal, spend the extra two dollars for a special treat.
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